Henry D. Thoreau

Well, I called my bestfriend, Alla yesterday(she's in KL and I miss her) and we were talking on the phone like no one's business. We were talking about my boyfriend, old school mates, how we used to crank the school and not to forget teachers, Teacher Norlida..haha...After putting down the phone, I thought of Nasreen, haha, the only student all the way from KL. We used to hang out at her house, thrashing her room, lepak in town with the rest of the girls( what do you expect to have in Perlis or I won't be in Penang...dowh). It was way back in Secondary 3...I guess. She'll write letters to me with different colors of ink and I'll reply back to her and so on. It never end..FYI, her class is just down stairs...And not to mention that she's the one who first created an email account under hotmail ( hotmail was an-in that time)for me..I still remember the account, adleenaluvvy84@hotmail.com...
Then, the both of us will be hanging out in cyber cafe(can't remember what its called). And there where she met her 'cinta monyet' boyfriend. I can't remember his name actually or how he looked like.Nevermind. We'll be gossiping in school. My Add Maths teacher will be teaching in class and I'll be sleeping. And when she noticed, she'll asked me to figure out answers for her question and as usual I'll looked damn blur...So shamed..
Skip the story, puasa is like 3 months more. I can't wait to get my hands on 'duit raya'. Normally, if my uncle or aunt ask me whether I'm still studying or working,I'll say...'Takdelah, baru je abis belajar'. Maut punyer answer. Tipu sunat je...hahah. But they believe that. For years I've been giving that answer.Nevermind.
shoe; Vincci flat, belt: Boon Lay MRT station, S'pore($S10!!), shirt; MNG
Today is the last day of the week and I'm very looking forward to it. I've been counting days to the weekend since Monday. Hei, its normal ok to do that. Evryone does that...Who would want to work 7 days a week. That's crazy unless you're superhuman or something. I ate KFC for lunch.Lame.I know but why not if you have a RM20 free coupons...Take advantage of it. Thats what I like working in Intel..Hahahah. Anyway, I'll be watching Terminator later tonite at 9.40pm. Hope its good and worth queueing up for hours last few days which ended me and The Boyfriend having dinner in A&W....which supposedly having sandwich at home. The Boyfriend is on strict diet....No shame to tell.