
Had a great night with BFF Alla and Alina who came down to Penang for a conference in Park Royal, Batu Feringgi. She called and aked us out..So me and BFF went and pick her up but as usual we were late..Ahahahah..Brought her for a coffee in Coffee Island as me and BFF haven't had our dinner yet a the same time..Food was good but we ate too much..Now BFF have to think on how to shed those extra kilos:-). Took a few photos( girls called it camwhoring and I dunno why)...
By the time we reach home, it was about 1.30am..Washed my face and feet and then slept by 2.30am..Seriously can't wake up that morning plus it was raining(nice weather to sleep)...Its good to have girls night out once in a while...