Salam Aidilfitri to all Muslims and have a safe 'balik kampung'
Raya is around the corner and today's traffic is not as bad as other Mondays. Surprising. I guess everybody is in the mood of holiday. I myself will be working till Wednesday and heading back to Perlis on Thursday. Karaoke the night before Raya, as usual till the clock strike 12 midnight. I'm sooooo excited to be back home. Celebrating with the family and mohon maaf dekat mummy and daddy. Too bad that the family will not be celebrating Raya in Singapore this year. Or else I'll be rich!!!.. BFF is going back to Alor Star tomorrow night and will buka puasa with her before she heads home. Soooo sweet...I love her tho:-). Hasn't got the time to make any new baju raya this year so guess I'll be wearing the previous years one... It's ok at least I still have nice clothes to wear for Raya compare to the less fortunate people.