
5 days after

You never leave someone behind, you take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself behind.
- Author Unknown

Dear readers,
You must be thinking why I changed my blog address right? Well, I want to leave behind something that I can cherish forever. Telling stories about how my love journey went and the best thing that I've never imagined happened...

Having to come back here makes it more difficult than ever. I felt the purpose of coming back to this home no longer exist. Nothing to look forward to... Every corner, every road reminded me of every memory and moments I used to have..It is hard...As hard as having to swallow a big pile of shit...I'm still crawling of not use to doing things on my own yet...I'm still crawling to be honest... I tried to held my tears back every now and then...

Talking to mummy and daddy about what happened more or less made the burden a little bit lesser but still nothing changed..I'm trapped within myself and my mind is still blank with what has happened..I'm still in search of why even though I know there's no point but there's always a reason why some things happen...

When I received a text message from mummy saying 'I love you,from mummy' for the first time (even though she often say it verbally) yesterday,made my heart sank. It seems that she understand what I'm going through and I know that she's trying her best to cheer me up when I was at home. Every mum hope and pray the best for their children. Having to see them in their wedding outfit is one of the many things that parents would want to see but I guess on my part, it is just a dream...