

From today onwards, I will stop messaging while driving...You should too.

the 7th day of Chinese New Year

Just got back from Kuala Trengganu last weekend and this year's New Year was awesome even though grandma's no longer around but yet the spirit of family is still there. And I'm glad that everyone is still as close as how we used to be last time and that the tradition still goes on. Good thing about this year's CNY is we ate a lot. Day and nite...Finding good food around Trengganu. Bad news is my angpow are less this year..Sad...And people start asking when am I getting married??... Annoying but that's the fact if you're turning 27 this year..But that's not a concern for me though as I have so many things yet to achieve in my life none the less marriage life...

For this year's New Year I bought a dress, a jean and 2 checkers shirt but only manage to wear 3 of it. We took many pictures and will upload soon....

Cousins still look the same except me with super-short hair... Aunties and uncles are still the same too...

The last day before we head back to Penang, we stopped by grandma's graveyard. We brought 4 oranges along. but not for long. I know daddy wanted to cry but he just looked away and said we're in a rush of time as mummy wanted to stop by Kota Bharu to visit my babysitter9sort of) when I was a little baby.

We got stuck in a jam for about 3 freaking hours and reached Penang roughly about 12am