So today marked International Women's Day. This celebration is to celebrate women around the world. To appreciate what they have done that changed the world and what makes a part of the world we live in today. As we know women played and still play an important role in every aspect of our everyday life. Be it in the social sector or high-post ranking in the government or private sector. But sadly, women are only about 60% part of it. And still many big companies are sceptical of hiring women in the board. In Norway, there are sets of ruling that every company must follow and one of it is,every company must have at least 40% women in their board of directors and surprisingly they follow the rules and not a single company went bankrupt instead they're doing very well. I think we should implement that kind of rules in Malaysia as well. People think that women belong in the kitchen and their job are taking care of the kids, takes care of the house. Basically staying at home and doing the house chores. That mind set has long gone in women's head. Hei, this is 21st century okay. We even have women police and soldier. So what's not possible that a women can't take?
Even universities are populated by women than man. Problem is, women are not given the chance to try things or given a responsibilities to prove that they're able to do work. Take Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir for intstance. See how powerful she is...She is the role model of every women in Malaysia as well as an active activist. She stood up for women in Malaysia and defended the importance of equality between men and women. Yes, we can't deny that in some part, women can't do a man's job. But at least the equality in segregating task is practice.
but I do hope that in the future, we can see more women stand out...