
Weekend was hhmm....

Weekend was fine...Followed mummy and daddy back to Perlis on Saturday...They came down on Thursday..Daddy bought a microwave cum grill for me....Yayyy!!.Met up with Wan and Pak Don to discuss on our reunion matter...Quite confusing actually...Hhmm... The Boyfriend picked me up at jetty on Sunday...Went straight to Gurney Plaza to buy my bolster (mummy threw away my old bolster)...So sad...Bought it at Home's Harmony (50% discount, not that cheap even after discount)...

Went for movie yesterday...Watched Imagine That (main cast is Eddie Murphy)...Was funny and a few touching-heart moments.... The crowd was a bit less yesterday and ate Pastamania for dinner...I ordered something fishy (new menu) which doesn't taste nice at all...So I end up eating the Boyfriend's pizza...hahahaha..We shared mineral water...Then went Cold Storage afterwards to buy some groceries..Bought mostly frozen food just to test out the new microwave...hahaah...

Spend Merdeka eve in Slippery Senoritas with Khang and the Boyfriend...Fun even though it was a last minute plan!!!!!...The place was crowded towards the end...We managed to get a seat at the bar(of course we did as we were there since 10.45..Gosh)...We thought the place would be packed but no...Halfway through, we met up with Adrian...He's fat!!! OMG...We sat at the same bar...Everyone's laughing...Then, bumped into Sharmini (didn't expect that)...Nothing happen that night..No chairs or tables were thrown down (we sat at the same spot where the chairs and tables were thrown down last few weeks cause by some stupid idiotic creatures)..My eyes were 'running' around to see, just in case....Stupid...Me and Khang were dancing all night and I turned around to be amazed, seeing the Boyfriend is dancing as well.............................with other girl... The same crowd as us...We went back at around 4am...We woke up at about 4pm....Khang have to wake up at he have some kind of training the next morning...He was so excited for that 2 so-called hour training (because the trainer was a pretty lady)... Pervert... Hahahaha.....