The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn.
~David Russell
The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.
~Flora Whittemore

Decision making is an everyday thing in life. The differences are whether it is hard or easy to decide or, whether it is life and death. Having to many choices is also bad as it will leave you
undecided. Heard before
'best decision in life sometimes is not making decision'. Some people decide to take a longer and harder path in their life but some just want the easy way out. People who take the route where nobody else want are better in decision making and they're stronger as they've been through a lot in order to achieve what they have now. But not everyone is tough. Confidence is the key to decision making. Confident that you'll be able to handle what ever that comes in your way after deciding. I know it is hard but at one point of your life, you will definitely be standing at a cross route when both route are as important. It is a matter of priority after that.