The calender has marked the month of May and my attachment is nearing as well but I have yet to decide where I want to go. Browsing through the net for India, Aussie and US makes me even confuse on which should I choose..I was hoping I could go Aussie. The people there are friendlier and communication will be easy[since they speak English as well]. It will definitely be easier if I just let my uni chooses the country and place for me. Saves a lot of hassle in terms of paperwork.
Talked to daddy earlier and tell him a little bit of what I have in my mind but it hasn't been finalized yet though.
I've been to India when daddy was working there. Food was similar with Malaysia except the pollution and people. They're a bit 'rough' but not every one of them,. And be prepared to be cruel towards beggars especially to the young ones. If you're kind to them, you'll be flock with many of them. So just ignore. But looking at the condition there, you'll be grateful that you're in Malaysia [except the political scene here, gosh]. During winter, they have no clothes to wear except a piece of maybe saree for the ladies and a pants and shirts for the man. And their living condition are so teribble that some of them will have to cook by the road side, poop and pee by the road side, not to mention have shower by the road side. Road side means in the middle of the town, in front of public...See what I mean. Maybe you can't imagine how it is but trust, it is not a situation that you would want to be in.
We always complain about things, even the little onesbut see what other doesn't have that we have...When trouble come, we give up but those people trying their best to stay alive for themselves and their family. We take som many things for granted but we're still ungrateful...
Well, my hearts says strongly that I should go to India but I'm not sure myself. If yes, I'll have many sources to write about. Their politic scene, economy people, bribe. That's a few to name.
Talked to daddy earlier and tell him a little bit of what I have in my mind but it hasn't been finalized yet though.
I've been to India when daddy was working there. Food was similar with Malaysia except the pollution and people. They're a bit 'rough' but not every one of them,. And be prepared to be cruel towards beggars especially to the young ones. If you're kind to them, you'll be flock with many of them. So just ignore. But looking at the condition there, you'll be grateful that you're in Malaysia [except the political scene here, gosh]. During winter, they have no clothes to wear except a piece of maybe saree for the ladies and a pants and shirts for the man. And their living condition are so teribble that some of them will have to cook by the road side, poop and pee by the road side, not to mention have shower by the road side. Road side means in the middle of the town, in front of public...See what I mean. Maybe you can't imagine how it is but trust, it is not a situation that you would want to be in.
We always complain about things, even the little onesbut see what other doesn't have that we have...When trouble come, we give up but those people trying their best to stay alive for themselves and their family. We take som many things for granted but we're still ungrateful...
Well, my hearts says strongly that I should go to India but I'm not sure myself. If yes, I'll have many sources to write about. Their politic scene, economy people, bribe. That's a few to name.