
online shop and daddy gets a year older

Well I was in a good mood yesterday. Boyfie went to futsal centre early than usual as there was a tournament and 1 person could not handle the centre. At the mean time, I was out with The Group (riana, fifi, khang, yazid and wan joinedtowards the end of our outing). We watch The Back-Up Plan and it was a touching movie. I nearly cried. Not something that boyfie would like. Too girlie. I was fucking happy until I think of Monday. Starting of the week and it is not good at all. Best thing is I hate my job to be honest..........But daddy said, just be grateful I still have a job in the middle of world's economic downturn...

Anyway, I was thinking of getting my blogshop up and running again but not so sure how. Starting was a disaster. Manage to sell a few and ending up I wear those clothes...Hahahaha... But I will definitely get it done and once successful, I'm quiting!!!!!!!!!!!!. Who doesn't want to be your own boss right???...And it's daddy's birthday today..

Happy Birthday Daddy. We love you a lot.