I'm at my home in Perlis currently. Felt so good to be here...Its been a while since I last came back..Nothing change..I love the smell of ikan goreng cooked by the neighbour, the sambal belacan smell...Neighbours talking to each other at the gate..We hardly see that in big city... Everyone knows each other basically over here...Going out with my best frined, Yana later in teh evening. It is 4 months since I last met her....She's on a holiday for Chinese New Year...
By the way, my ex-Form 6 friends did some small reunion..BFF, Alla was there as well..She tagged me and I can't attend as I'm working...Bloody work...Talking about work...Will be back to work on Monday...I hate that part....I don't feel like going back to Penang, I mean not now... Time flies too fast...I'm back here on Wednesday night, and today is Friday........I hope I can stop the time from going forward....