
2 more days to go....roughly

Attended admin meeting yesterday through phone conference...Lazy to go over...Nothing much to talk about...Boring...

Then, went back in the evening...Cooked for dinner....the Boyfriend helped out in frying the chicken and oil spilled all over....I'm the one who has to do the cleaning...Uurrgghh!!!.He went for his badminton session till 11pm and by the time the comes back, I'm already asleep...But before that, I tried doind a vidoe for this blog and it was 'awesome'...Hahaha

Nothing much to do today..very boring...Msged BFF just to check on her whether she's ok or not and gladly she replied she's feeling better...Happy to hear that.....

Dear BFF : Just remember in mind that our friendship will never fade away no matter what comes between us. We are like sistesr. You stood by me when I was in total darkness, so now it is my turn...Even though we are far apart, trust me that my heart will always be near with you. When you're in deep pain, remember that you deserve something better than this and that you're strong...Love will always find its way to your heart...Love does not mean that you need a man, it is further more than that...You will always have us and your family..We have never gave up upon you...We love you more than he do...GOD created human to withstand every obstacle that he rained upon us and every little that happen comes with a reason. You deserve someone better and I know you can make it through...We have faith in you..