Today is the Boyfriend's last day at work as his contract has ended. He has been sad for the past few days thinking that he would have to leave his colleagues of 1 year. The boding that he and his friends created made him moved and sometimes wonder why can't he be with them. It happened to him before when he was working in CIMB. When comfort, relationship came to live, some thing will come and attack and perish it away. So, I told him. 'Don't worry, you can still meet them during futsal gam'...He said ' Its not that, its just that, I'm so comfortable over there with friends to laugh and giggle with'....At few second, I felt moved as well. And it made me wonder that next year will be my turn. Plus it was MJ's funeral (1am to 3am, M'sia time).It was an event full of heart-breaking performance. Sometimes I think, it take us ages to actually grown but it only takes a few minutes/second to be dead...When I was with the-Ex(he's a jerk, he don't deserve any girls in the world), I see everything in balck and white until I found the Boyfriend. He treat me with respect(except the part when he jokes, he's a cannibal you know)...He make me feel special...I'm not trying to brag about him but it's true. And you know what, I never thought that the both of us could last this long....I wonder....Was watching through YouTube on MJ's memorial service. It shed my tears...Damn... I'm not a fan of his actually but the effort of everyone on remembering him. He's somissed...Now that he's gone, I myself can feel the weirdness that he no longer there..It's strange. Imagine his fanatic fans out there....