These are the 2 product that I'm currently using. One is for my stretch marks and the Fair and Lovely anti marks is for the pimple scars that I have on my face. I used to have a smooth skin back in college years until I started working 2 years back. Previously I tried Fair and Lovely Multivitamin but that took me months to finish it as the product was too oily for my face as I seldom use . So I walking around Jusco Quuensbay and bumped into the anti marks cream which cost only $7.90 so I thought why not give it a try. Surprising it suits my face and it doesn't feels oily. The instructions says that you can see the difference after 2 weeks so we'll see how it goes.
Second product will be the Palmer's Vitamin E oil. It smells nice and I bought it during a sale in Guardian. It cost RM23.89 for 2 bottles and it;s only 150ml. It doesn't feels oily on your skin as it absorb into it right after you apply it. And it won't leave oily stains on your clothes which is good.