Well, the past few days was a bit gloomy for me, the Boyfriend and Russell (the guinea pig). Kasper 'left' us without we managed to say goodbye...Even though he joined the family 4 months ago, the bond that existed between the 3 of us has made us realised how important they were...Even though they're just tiny little rodents...Kasper made us laugh a lot with her cheekiness...She was Russell's best friend and she's the naughtiest compared to Russell...What sadden me the most was, the morning Kasper's died, Russell wanted to wake her up using her nose but sadly she did not make it through the night...So Russell sat still beside her just to accompany her...I guess she knew that Kasper is going to leave her...Kasper has been very quiet for the past few days, so does Russell but I did not realise something amiss untill 3 days back...When Kasper was sitting lifelessly...She couldn't chew herself or drink water herself...Thought of taking her to the vet the morning she died...The night before, I knew that she will not make it through the night but somehow deep inside me, I told her to be strong but I guess that God loves her more...I cried....When I saw the Boyfriend carrying without she even jumping..And I knew that there's nothing I could do. I miss her a lot... Really a lot...Russell no longer running around in their 'compound' like how she used to when Kasper was still around...They would sniff each other, sit, sleep and eat together...
I have never felt this close to my pet before...Maybe because the Boyfriend taught me on how to cherish and love your pet...He said, animals are like humans, they have feelings but they don't know how to show it...The only way to do it is through tears and through their eyes...
Anyway, another story is we went for movie marathon last weeked (me, Khang, Fifi, the Boyfriend)...We watched Oprhan and Final Destination...FD was lame and looked fake compare to the old one...What a waste...But Orphan was good as the little girl acted as Esther looked real...A lot of surprises instead of horror...But the images are graphical so not really suitable for 18 and below....Khang closed his face while watching Orphan...I thought I was the scary cat...Hahahahaha..What a shame...The day after, Khang got headache...Hhmm...