Came to office quite late as I was stuck in a jam due to rain...UURRGHH!!!... Accidentally left the storage key in the room and will have to call locksmith to open it up...Bad news is, I might have to bear the cost of RM30 (the money can be use for a few days)...As my money is a bit tight, therefore, every single cent count...I was having headache on how to edit and add a nuffnang adbox into my page, so I gave up...Things have not been going great for me and I'm very piss at the moment...Feels like banging my head on my table....(p/s: Ms.J helped me to open the door, save my money).
I don't know why I feel so exhausted for the past few weeks...I don't feel like coming to work and feel very tired...Played with Max and Russell so that Max could get use to my smell...They're so cute...Anyway, I posted a reherseal video for prom nite'07...I did a mistake during the actual day...Usual me...Prom nite is around the corner and I don't feel like dressing up like usual mron dress..I'm thinking of flare grey color pants, a shirt tuck in and heels...Something chic I can say..
I have the pants, it needs to be alter..But I'm not sure whether I'll attend this year's rpom or not...The group are going I guess except Fifi...She's not sure yet..