It's Thursday today..How fast time flies without we noticing it...But still, it feels like the beginning of the week...Boring and dull...It rained yesterday afternoon, therefore I could sleep like a pig at night as it was cold...Too bad that I have to wake up at 6.30 to get ready for work...I thought of taking EL or MC (please note that I've never been absent from work without reason).. I got a mail from IT hosting informing me that someone delegated room booking task to me. It is annoying...I hate to see that kind of mail...Its like someone blackmailed you...That bad...
Today is not that good either. It is the same as the past few days. My mood still hasn't change. Boring and don't know what to do. Weekend's coming and I'm going back to Perlis. The Boyfriend will be spending his weekend by his own...Nothing much to do since Monday. Have been sitting around the computer, browsing through other people's blog...Fascinating you know. Some are hilarious, bitchy, colorful and etc...I'm trying to make mine interesting as well...I brought yesterday's food for my lunch. Packed from home...Sambal daging and white rice...Not many choice of food in the cafeteria....It's like hospital food...I bet theirs are much2 better.....*sigh*...
I'm trying to make a decision between keeping my long hair currently or cut it short...Hhmm..
Today is not that good either. It is the same as the past few days. My mood still hasn't change. Boring and don't know what to do. Weekend's coming and I'm going back to Perlis. The Boyfriend will be spending his weekend by his own...Nothing much to do since Monday. Have been sitting around the computer, browsing through other people's blog...Fascinating you know. Some are hilarious, bitchy, colorful and etc...I'm trying to make mine interesting as well...I brought yesterday's food for my lunch. Packed from home...Sambal daging and white rice...Not many choice of food in the cafeteria....It's like hospital food...I bet theirs are much2 better.....*sigh*...
I'm trying to make a decision between keeping my long hair currently or cut it short...Hhmm..
By the way, next month marks the starting of Ramadhan...I'm soooo excited to celebrate Aidilfitri plus we will be having a big reunion with my ex-schoolmates....OOhh, I miss my school days...Bad news is, I'll only get my duit raya from my parents as mummy said we won't be going back to Singapore for Raya this year because daddy's in Malaysia...This is the 2nd raya that the family will be celebrating in Malaysia....hhmm....Looks like the SingDollar that I've been collecting during raya every year no longer can be in my dream....