This picture was taken 1 week back. It was Mona's engagement day in Kulim...Me and boyfie got lost while trying to find the venue of her ocassion...God knows where..I thought Perlis was dull, you couldn't imagine how dull can this place be compare to Perlis.Anyway, we started our road trip at about 7.30pm and reached there at about 9.30pm...Imagine that...Lucky there was food left for us. The first thing I did was,I find her and give her the tightest hug and guess what,we both cried...Aaww...She was a good friend of mine...We used to stay together for about 3 years. She was the best housemate ever. Yes, we do had our arguments,but we made up in the end. But it was fun.I miss her a lot.If I were given the chance to stay with her again,I'll definitely say yes.