picture was taken during lunch last weekend
A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.
~Dwight D. Eisenhower
Definitely some post to think about after you have read..I did...Ever wondering what makes one's life complete?? A big car? Tonnes of cash?? Married to a good husband?? A big house?? Well,one thing for sure, every one has their own definition of 'complete life'..To me?? I'm indefinite seriously...This topic was brought up because of some post that I've seen on the web.. Won't mention where (sensitive case:-) )...Some just feel satisfied after they've own a house, married to someone, 2 kids and a car, but is that enough or a 'complete' life requires more than that?? As a human created by The Almighty, we will never be satisfied with what we have. Not to forget myself as well...Everyone says live in moderation but I don't really see that concept implemented in today's society...Today's so called 'moderate' lifestyle is having a big car, a big bungalow, a high post, branded stuffs from head to toe....Weird isn't it??? And people would kill each other just to live up to that standard...Ada yang sanggup ikat perut..Bak kata setengah orang ' biar bergaya asal papa'. Pelik kan...
Not just that, ada setengah manusia bukannya kaya pun tapi berlagak lebih...That sounds familiar to me coz I met that type of 'person' before and it was a bad mistakep:-p... Well, people will always assume many things but the wise one will understand well...