
say grace

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.
~W.T. Purkiser

I admit that sometimes when bad things happen especially when it happen the entire week, feels like everyone and everything is going against me...I'll ask God 'Why is this happening?'.....I never understood the obstacle that He has thrown in for me...But as time goes by, I understand well... I try to take things one step at a time rather than doing everything all at once when I myself know that it is out of my capability... Last time, I do things so that people will like me and I didn't realize that even though people might like me, that doesn't mean they accept the way I am..They might be talking bad about me behind my back and smile nicely in front of me...I admit I bought friendship... Soon I realize it was wrong and I got my sense back...I know that I'm a nuisance, freak or a fussy to certain people but that's who I am. Yes, I do pick each strain of hair on the floor, and yes, I don't like the sink to be damp wet...The point is we can't change people if they themselves doesn't want to and I'm still learning to be grateful with what I have and yes I'm just a normal human who can't run from making mistakes...Who doesn't right???