Went out with BFF and her cousin, Intan. Attended a beauty class in Pulau Tikus (Belissa Row). It was fun. And met Thipah as she invited us to join. It's a 2 hours class and filled with fun. We got the opportunity to try out the products ( Mary Kay). It was good. the after effect is immediately. I was immediately hooked to the products and went back home to 'negotiate with boyfie...hahahha.. After the class, we went to QB, BFF and her cousin wanted to buy a set of CROC shoes (they have big jumble sales beside BORDERS). I fell in love with this one
It's only RM60. So I tried it on, sadly it doesn't fit me even though it is size W4. Too many people has tried on the shoe, so possible reason is it expanded. So I ended empty handed. Only BFF managed to bought this one. I liked this but coulnd't find my size. *sobbing*.

And we went back about 9pm, so I hung out at BFF's place while waiting for boyfie to watch midnite movie. We watched Karate Kid. It was not bad. Full of cuteness and actions. Imgaine Will Smith's skinny tight son has a six pack...GOD....