
its a girl's best friend right?

Let these 2 pictures do the talking..I assumed most of you know what this is right..Told you its a girl's best friend..Not just diamonds ok..Not all girls are materialistic...Well, bought this yesterday in Jusco as it was on sale...Delivered earlier in the evening...This will definitely make my life easier...No more rough fingers:-)...Silky smooth hands...

By the way, I signed up for a health screening which will be next month..It is a monthly activity organized by my company in collaboration with Pantai Medical Center...Best of all it is free. It consist of blood test up till HIV test..All included in one whole package and IT IS FREE!!!..Should I repeat that again?..The problem is, I'm scared of needles regardless of the sizes and worst is they're going to take a whole full of the lab tube..Even though I've signed up, I haven't actually made my decision...It is good to have a complete medical check-up and better if it is free but just the needle part that scare me off... The last I did my med-checkup that requires me to 'donate' my blood was like 10 years ago???I think so...

I miss Singapore and I want to visit the UNIVERSAL STUDIO...Agak-agak Malaysia ketinggalan berapa tahun kebelakang dari Singapura selepas diaorang ada studio tu ar?Ppfftt...

P/S; When I have kids, I want to be a hot-mama...

Red - Official Trailer 2 [HD]

Watched RED with boyfie today..The movie was awesome andbought something 'special' for me but not gonna tell you yet..Wait till the delivery which is tomorrow.....Hint ; A girl's/woman's best friend(not diamond ok)...Had Nandos for teatime(weird right?) and Shauban nasi kandar for dinner...Goooodddd........