
when we were young

Well, I believe that most of us went through a very rebellious years when we were teenage. And yes, I did too but compare to the rebellious behavior with today's teenager are totally different.

When we were young, the things that we did really upset our parents but not to a point where it made our parents speechless or not bothered anymore. But today youngsters are so lucky, they have handphones at the age of 12 years old, PSP at the age of 10, nintendo Wii at the age of maybe 15 and best part is few weeks back, I was at a mall with boyfie, so we were chatting and I saw a girl who's using a Sony Ericsson that is worth $2000 so I showed boyfie and he said 'See la, parents nowadays really spoil the kid'... Part of it I agreed but what about kind that comes from a good upbringing but still end up spoil????You can't blame their friends or peers..Yes, they maybe easily influenced by many things when they are 16 but what are the reasons??? Family? Friends?..