Nothing much happen for the past few days except the part when I actually mistakenly taken the Boyfriend's house key back to my hometown. Damn..He'd have to drive back all the way from Penang to take it. He was piss off...I'm so sorry, B.
I feel extremely moody today and I don't know why. Maybe because I know that I would have to see those mooroons face. Pathetic...
There are a few things that I would want to achieve in 2009/10 :
- To further expand my online business
- To have more savings
- To cut short on shopping( which sounds impossible, but I'll try)
- To be a better daughter, sister and girlfriend
- To go for my Masters'
- To get a better job that requires me to apply what I've learnt in my study years
Everything sounds achievable but knowing someone like me, it will take a little extra effort to achieve it.
Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating.
Denis Waitley
I don't have the mood to work right now. I feel very bored and I don't think that I'm practising what I've learnt in my university years. I'm very sad, not exactly that sad la but I were to study hard last time, I would have been in my final years by now in pursuing medicine. I kept remisnicing the past when I was doing my A-Levels.Looking at my sis excel in her academic and curiculum made me a little bit of envy. Thinking why can't I be in her position. I still remembered, when I got my result back in 2003, I cried and wouldn't want to go out to celebrate. I was ashame of my result compared to my other class mates. But daddy advised me to go for finance and find an affordable college that suits me. Therefore, I ended up in UNITAR (where I met my best friend, Kamini). We've been together since first year of uni. It was hard at first as seeing all my friends had the offer to study science while I'm the only one end up in art streme. I remembered crying almost everyday due to the regrets I had in me. I'll call my best friend and pour my heart out. Luckily she's not sick and tired of listening to my complains. There, I met Kamini She knew that I was a slow learner. She taught me everything step by step. She'll scold me when ever I'm absent from classes. We do group study almost everyday in campus or her house. It was the best years. If I were to rewind back, I would love that and never regret.
Now, everyone has their own life, some work in bank, hotel, tax company and etc. I'm proud of myself now as I've achieved what I thought I could never got. Even it means different from what I dreamt when I was a little school girl. Evrything happen for a reason. For my case, I learnt the hard way...