The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.
~Flora Whittemore
Choose always the way that seems the best, however rough it may be. Custom will soon render it easy and agreeable.

Watched this movie earlier...And damn have I read the online reviews wrongly???....It was boring..Throughout the show, I was like 'When the hell is this movie gonna end??' I was falling asleep halfway (even though I had my 3 hours sleep in the afternoon)Basically this movie is about soul-searching, making decision and knowing what you want/scare of in life (something like that)..Maybe the reviews that I've read is from a writer who pretty much favor this sort of story line..Not for me...But it seems that boyfie enjoyed it (coz its weird as I know he likes to watch movie with fighting/adventure scenes) . On the way back we tapau Burger King..They were closing and left only whooper burger (we bought it anyway)