Charles Caleb Colton
I'm browsing through Kerry's blog page and it looked colorful. It made me thought of those good old days that I used to have with my besties back in high school...xoxo...I remembered back in Secondary 5...we had extra classes...which is a compulsory thing for SPM candidates...3pm to 5pm...after class, we would have so-called tea in one of the makcik's stall next to my school. Ice-kacang, gado-gado and etc...We'll whack like no one ever notice and go back with full stomach and my mum would nagged coz she cooked but I ate out...hahah
Life was endlesless for me and the rest................
Then, after Secondary 5, everyone chose our own way. Some got married(with 2 kids now!), some still studying, some dunno what, some planned to get married by this year and some got engaged...Anyway, we still meet each other like, once a year. during Hari Raya Puasa. We'll plan 2 months ahead on how to organise the reunion and when the day comes, we'll talk for hours, updating each other and best of all gossiping...hahahha...Tha's what most girls do...
This is a sneak pic of part of the family pic when my family was on the way to Kuala Trengganu for Chinese New Year.
Not many pics to upload..Sorry
Anyway, will be updating tommorow as I'll be back in office....Talking about work...Damn...why can't I be a student for the rest of my life???...
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