
Yesterday's dinner is today's hunger...

Yesterday, went for dinner at A&W, Gurney Plaza. Its wasn't a plan to go for dinner outside at the first place. We were supposed to buy movie ticket for Terminator Salvation only but as usual we routed our journey to where we wasn't supposed to go... I planned to make sandwich for dinner. 3 stack sandwich with beef burger and chicken slice, mayonnaise and chilli sauce know.

This picture was taken when I was in the loo. My boyfriend is queueing up to buy food. I had a sudden stomachache. So invested in waste management. Its in Gurney Plaza new wing toilet. Malaysia toilets are known to be dirty, filthy, stinks but this one, for me, I can only sit like 15 minutes, max...they're still not up to the hygiene standard.Lightings are nice for this pic.I think.I wrote some 'late' resolution for 2009.I know, I know.Should write it earlier. Well, you know, when money problem comes into the scene, that is when my resolution starts...

  1. Cut down on my shopping.
  2. Cut down on unecessary spending
  3. Cut down on junk food
  4. Save aside some $ for my old age(i'm not getting younger)
  5. What else ar, off my study loan 30 grant?...hugeeee amount..(or else I'll be paying that for the rest of my life)

But, like I said, hard to curb the 1st resolution if have such a generous boyfriend, but, I'll have to do it or else my boyfriend would have to be friend with those 'ah kua' at Lorong Garu.

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