
mother to be, a mother, babies

Well, I've been reading people's blog about their baby's development. When they were born, how, breatfeed and so on. It captured my interest, to be honet. Of wanting to have kids in the future. Who doesn't want one right...But at the moment, it is not the right time yet. First of all, I'm not even ready to be a wife...Well, wedding is something nice actually. Nice flowing dresses, pelamin, best part is the hantaran...Hahaha...

Well, as I mentioned in the previous post, I'll be going back to my hometown tommorow which will cause the Boyfriend to spend his weekend alone. For the past few days, I've thinking of going back to college so badly that I had the intention to quit asap...But I decided not as it won't look good for my CV...Just that one reason actually...I'm thinking of either to persuade my Masters locally or overseas....Well, it's not easy leaving someone you love behind...I feel so attached to the Boyfriend that sometimes, I'm thinking of leaving all my dreams behind just to be with him...But then again, I thought, these dreams has been with for the past years...I want what's the best for me and him and both our future...I want the both of us to live in a moderate life...A house, children, enough pension money and grow old together...I know that he's the one for me...In order to achieve all the dreams, some things have to be sacrifice, but the thing is,can both of us take the challenge...This might sound greedy, but I don't wanna lose neither one...I want both...It is impossible as long as you have the will,courage and most important of all, trust to through a long distance relationship...If it has to be that way...

It is almost lunch time now...Thinking of what to eat...Ms.J is leaving the office at 4pm later,as usual...Most probably I'll post pictures during my trip back to Perlis....