
gloomy,loomy and a pot of rice.

the day started with me checking my emails...Just in case someone need my 'help' or being their cheap slave...*winding away*....Well, called daddy yesterday. He said adik is going to Johor for her brass band competition..Good luck Dianah...And he said, he and mummy might be coming down to Penang...*crap*....Just planned to go Penang Hill with the Boyfriend...Well, guess I'll have to cancel it...

Though of taking half day leave next Monday just to surprise the Boyfriend...IMed with Munyis yesterday and guess what, we are officially a 'couple'..............BUT only through IM...2 lonely monkeys felt bored at work...I told him that, we have clowns outside out workspace, therefore we both can only be together through instant messaging... We were at the edge of death,due to boredom....Imagine that...Lame isn't it....

Cooked nasi tomato yesterday with beef curry...It was awesome!!! The Boyfriend ate finish and even add twice the rice. The day before, cooked nasi minyak with ayam masak merah...We both finished the whole ayam merah and whole pot of rice.......FULL and HAPPY.... Its not that I'm trying to brag about being a good cook..Hahaha..Just trying to tell I have successfully being one step away to be a perfect cook....I salute myself....As no one will do that...