
the so not exciting Thursday

Well, it is Thrusday and one more day to go before we hit the weekend. But it doesn't seem exciting for me....I'll have to leave the Boyfriend behind to spend time with the family...I've been doing some thinking for the past few days about bringing the Boyfriend to meet daddy..I asked him but he seems nervous and shy...Ahahahaha...I'm not sure when is the best time to do....Hhmm...Maybe not now...

Well, me annd my best friend is trying to put together all the things for our reunion during raya. It is a bit of frustration as some of our ex-colleague did not agree with the price of RM30 that we set..We ere thinking of doing it big as this is a reunion of after 8 years...Hmm...Sh'es helping me to send out messages to all the classmates that we have in contact..Looks like it's not an easy task after all...

Nothing to blab today except one thing which I just remembered..Something about Mr.Vincent... Ahahaha..Stupid idiot...