
pre Raya and reunion, here I come!!!!!!!!

Wow, its like another 3 days before raya...Its adik's birthday today. Have not bought anything for her yet as not enough $ in hand (just as excuse)...Anyway, I'll save some money aside to buy her something nice...

I'm going back to Perlis tomorrow (took half day leave)..Fuh, I'm soooo excited...Sleep on my bed, hot shower, my own smelly bolster...Wah!!!! Bestnyer...Mummy's cooking my favourite, ayam masak merah, kurma daging and nasi minyak for our open house and I have to help her this time...Dah besar dah...Adoiii la...I hate the washing part...

Preparations for Hari Raya dah habis...Too bad that this year I did not buy any new shoes...Will be earing my old shoes (bought but never been worn)...

Not going back to Singapore this year..This mean no 'duit raya'...*sorb*

Btw, I'm currently addicted at reading people's blog and most of the blog stated what does the blogger likes to shop...I know they have the right to post anything as it is their blog but don't they feel its like bragging about themselves...Trying to show-off what they have in an indirect way??...Sick you know.