salam aidiladha
still hanging
The family will be going off to Singapore next week and I'm stuck here....
adjusting my seating
My team are havoc and laughing is like eating...Hahahaha...I'm glad...Sean quitted(the guy who went the same training as mine)....Will be going out with the Group this coming weekend..Have not confirm yet...
smoking is bad for your health
Will be going to GP for my tembuilding session..So freakin' excited..Its gonna be my last day here..Gonna miss the group....
Going out with The Group this coming Sunday and planned to watch Phobia 2...Woohoo...And maybe watching White Out with the Boyfriend on Saturday....
Just to inform my readers that there'll be late posting in this blog as some adjustment of my new work time need to be done...Sorry for the delays....Happy working people....
last day at work before signing off
I'm out of words actually...Not sure what to say....
The new hire who is going to replace me is with me and I'm coaching her the new task and it is hard....Need not to mention here...Well best part is I'll get to leave Mr.V behind...So lamo...Hate him...
Going for my teambuilding tomorrow..Treasure hunt activit...Woohoo
Dear BFF : Words of encouragement are just the only thing I can provide you..The rest is up to you...Babe, GOD has planned many things for us and He knows what is best for human kind...Whatever comes between you is just a test to see whether or not you're ready for the bigger challenge...These small tests are things that make you stronger and keep you prepared....At this point of time, friends and family are the best company to you...Take some time off from your hectic life and think about what you want in life...Once you waste a day in life, there is no turning back...BFF, I owe you a lot and I know some thing I can't pay you back...We've been tpgether since high school, therefore our bond will never ever break no matter what comes in between us...Our friendship is so strong that I'm willing to do anything to keep my best friend friend are the one who not just share our laughter but tears and cry as well...Friends that leave you when you're in need is not a true friend...Just bear in mind that, HE'S NOT WORTH IT and take it as a bad dream and you will wake up from that some day...
new skirt for sale
2 more days to go....roughly
Then, went back in the evening...Cooked for dinner....the Boyfriend helped out in frying the chicken and oil spilled all over....I'm the one who has to do the cleaning...Uurrgghh!!!.He went for his badminton session till 11pm and by the time the comes back, I'm already asleep...But before that, I tried doind a vidoe for this blog and it was 'awesome'...Hahaha
Nothing much to do today..very boring...Msged BFF just to check on her whether she's ok or not and gladly she replied she's feeling better...Happy to hear that.....
Dear BFF : Just remember in mind that our friendship will never fade away no matter what comes between us. We are like sistesr. You stood by me when I was in total darkness, so now it is my turn...Even though we are far apart, trust me that my heart will always be near with you. When you're in deep pain, remember that you deserve something better than this and that you're strong...Love will always find its way to your heart...Love does not mean that you need a man, it is further more than that...You will always have us and your family..We have never gave up upon you...We love you more than he do...GOD created human to withstand every obstacle that he rained upon us and every little that happen comes with a reason. You deserve someone better and I know you can make it through...We have faith in you..
buat teman-teman universitas
Di saat engkau tak tersenyum
Di saat engkau tak tersenyum
changing of a new surrounding
I told myself that I have to learn to handle stress instead of doing this job-hopping thing... It won't look good in my resume as people might question me why do I change job too often...
I hope everything goes well next week as it will be my first week....I don't expect anything but smooth working environment...Things has been great except financially...Hhmm....
Graduation is over, so does college days...It is a lie if I say college sucks(part of it yes;-p)... I learnt many things during my years in college....Whether study wise, making new friends, having boyfriend(that sucks), fail my paper ;-p, resit again and other college matter....Every details and events make me stronger than ever...I worked my ass-off for this day and it definitely paid off and I'm happy to make the family and the Boyfriend proud of me...At least I have achieve something that I thought I will never get...It is a relieve....I hold my tears back after the convocation when the ceremony come to its end as I don't want to spoil the day...But I know right after that, everyone will go their own separate ways and it will be hard to meet each other again after this...I feel scare....Afraid that I might lose friends that I've bonded for the past 5 years....Kamini is getting married soon, she's the closest and bestest friend....What's more after this??I'll never know...Well, when I was in college, I pray everyday that I'll finished asap as I can't wait to get out of here, then daddy said 'Girl, believe me that you'll miss your college days once you start working'.... I never thought of it until it really happened....But you can't turn back time or be a college student forever...You'll have to grow up eventually...These people has been with me through my worst years in life....They never gave up upon me....I'll defintely miss them a whole lot!!!!!!
Telah lama kupendam perasaan itu
Ku ingin kau tahu
Dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya