
God, please give good health and panjangkan umur my parents

Good to be back home last weekend. But sadly, I had only 1 day to spend with the family. Didn't meet up with friends as time was limited for me. So this time around, I spent the 1 day I had with mummy,daddy and adik and as usual adik has to go for her tuition. It feels so good to be back home. Nothing better to compare.I feel different this time. Felt more attached to the family. Help mummy with house chores. I can see that they're not as strong as they used to be. Wrinkles on the their faces and hands..How fast I grew up...I can still remember house daddy used to run around the house playing catching with us but now he can't barely walk to the kitchen..He looked so tired...Mummy as well..I pray to God to give me strength and courage to work hard so that I can afford to take good care of them like how they used to do it...Sebak rasa hati...

I can't imagine how my life and world would be without them...Even when I lost grandma, it felt so heart-broken,apatah lagi mak bapak sendiri...I rely on them for their encouragement and support..They provided me everything to make sure I have what I have now...I feel very blessful and greatful for the achievement I got today...I used to give up in almost everything I do but they gave me moral support and push me harder...

I always pray that God will always panjangkan umur my parent so that they can enjoy a good life. Just sit back and relax. I really miss them a lot. I've been having this kind of fear. Fear that I'll get a phone call one day from someone to inform me that they are gone...

Yesterday, when daddy sent me to the bus station, I salam him and feel so sebak. I didn't cry though but berat sangat hati nak tinggalkan family. Mummy didn't tag along as she followed the neighbour to the supermarket. I salam her first before she went off, she didn't look at my face but I gave her a kiss on the cheeks. I shed some tears....It was very hard to leave them yesterday and I don't know why..