
Out with the group and good friend's enagagement

Went out with BFF Khang and Fifi to QB after work. Sent food to boyfie first.He didn't joined along as he has class to attend.Sad...Anyway, went for lunch with them and then later on met up with Riana and Yazid...As usual they're 2 hours late..We expected that...Fifi bought Forever 21 big clutch, Elianto mascara and Etude eyeshadow...I bought a Forever 21 bow belt...Black in color..Its like RM9..Value for money...wanted to buy skinny jean,RM119 but boyfie said how many would I want to wear...True....I have tonnes on jean but I only wear just a few...What a waste of money....

Then boyfie and me went to Mona's engagement party in Kulim...The journey was ages,and we got lost for almost 2 hours...But upon reaching there, I went straight to meet her...FYI, she was my ex-housemate and a good friend of mine.We had a lot of goodtimes together..I miss her a lot.. We were very close back in college years...her fiancee is sooo handsome...Mona, I was just kidding, but he is handsome...Hahahaha...I cried when I saw her...tears of joy...The last we met was many years back, right before she moved out after finishing her diploma studies. But we still keep in touch through sms....Well, she's gonna get married in December and will be moving to Ipoh with her husband...I' going to miss her dearly...She helped me a lot....
Yes, we do have arguements sometimes but we still remain good friends...