
spanish class?? You've gotta be joking

Despite having bad migraine, I have to drive to the clinic and stop by USM in regards of my USM application that has been approved. At the same time, met up with an old friend where we met in secondary school, Along. She guided me through roughly the process of my online registration for my subjects. My first master's class will be around the corner and I'm freaking excited and nervous at the same. I got the timetable and the fees are quite 'reasonable'.And I have a Japanese lecturer who is going to teach us economic class. Cool ei.... Before that we stopped by Graduate School of Business (GSB) to enquire some info on how to go about the online application. Sounded easy even though the offer letter that I got looked complicated. Anyway, the 'abang' was friendly enough to share some info with us. Surprisingly enough as most government officers are quite 'friendly' at times. So now I'm in USM lab blogging and at the same time finishing my registration but sadly, the website is under maintenance.

To be honest, I have never though that I would be able to pursue my masters as I was a lzay bump back in high school. I love to sleep and that is untill today. Boyfie said I'm a piglet. Hahaha. I'm very grateful that after all the things I've been through, GOD gave a second chance to prove myself. I thank HIM for all the guidance, the support and the strength HE gave me untill today. And I know the fact that I'm no saint as a human. I do bad things but still HE protected me. Also not to forget biggest second thank to daddy and mummy, for EVERYTHING they have sacrifise for me, the money, time and everything they could possibly provide me. And another important person is boyfie, thank you so much for your tolerence and patience you had since we met. The staying till wee hours accompanying me during my exam periods. You and the family has given me so much that it is not enough by just saying thank you. If not because all of you, I would never be standing here now. Also BFF, for being there always, listening to my nonsense and nagging. I promise that I'll do my best, better than my degree and will definitely make all of you proud of me.

This is like a dream. A dream that I could not possibly think of. Another thing to bring back on track is my online business. Once everything settle, here I come again. This time, ALL OUT...

And GOD, please help me this time around again. Give me the strength, patience and guidance to pursue my studies. Show me the road to success and give me the ease to learn things during this period. And show me what is right and what is wrong. Guide me to the correct path and bless me with all the goodness in life. Bless my family and my loved ones.