I saw a video taken on top of a building. Recording a girl and a guy who's arguing by the roadside. To my surprise all of a sudden the guy start kicking the girl like no one's looking. BY THE ROAD SIDE WITH CARS passing by and the best thing is no one stop to help. You see how inconsiderate Malaysian are. When there are time they don't have to 'sibuk', the have to be a 'penyibuk', when times like this situation, they just drive pass. That is what I call a stupid Malaysians. They prefer to 'sibuk' about accidents(with bloods and all those things) rather than helping this kind of people. And people wonder why is Malaysia so undevelop right...Because of Malaysian's mentality... So shallow.
When I first met boyfie many people criticize me why on earth do I have to choose other races?? Want to know why? Because people with the same religion as mine are mostly so shallow minded. If someone marries a Euro, why people dont' say anything? Instead they're sooooooo fucking proud... 'Oh I'm married to a mat salleh' See what I mean. Why do people have to be soooo proud of that? He/She is also a normal human being. They'll be bury in a coffin and underground and meet God after that. Just that they're more advance, civilized (not all though, some are still stupid), tall, white and bla bla bla...
This is just some of the reason my Malaysia is not develop. The government can create what ever policy they want but in the end, it comes down to the people.