*lipgloss that i always have in my handbag and it smells like chocolate too*
*new bag*
Not much things to write as not many things happen. I'll be officially unemployed for a week and hope to start in the new department by next Monday (2nd August). I hope this will be good for me. I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep...Hahha. Time to recover all my sleepless days..
I've been talking to boyfie about some things. Just a simple conversation and what I have in mind are:
1. Finish up my masters
2. Double up my savings
3. Get a house of my own (peaceful instead)
4. Get laid (woohoo)
5. takes care of mummy and daddy
6. start paying for Adik's school expenses.
7. Get a car
Well, some people don't appreciate things they have in their life. Some people have to struggle day by day to earn a living yet those people still says it is not enough. For me, I'm grateful with what I have. I'm not in debt though. Some people are full with debt just to show-off.