
first class was ok

Attended my first MBA class. It was good but boring. Basically it was an introduction class just to refresh what we have learn in degree. Most of the students are working adult so this group is more mature. Some of them are good. I can know that from the way they answer questions from lecturer. So I'm a bit scare and worry that I might be left behind. It is tired to attend class after work. So I'm not sure whether I can coupe and divide my time between my classes and work. With the job I have now to be honest I don't think I can coupe with my studies. So many things to juggle. Plus I'm not the kind that can withstand stress. I'll crack under pressure.

So many things to referesh now. I've forgotten some things that I have learn back in college years. It feels odd to be a student again after 2 years I graduated from my degree. Still not use to it yet. Well, like I said, hopefully boyfie will bring me good news so that I can 'retire' early from work and focus on my study.

Boyfie will have team event with his colleague while BFF have to attend a seminar outstation and I'll be stuck at home all alone. Sad isn't it.