I'm suppose to be in bed at this time or sleeping late doing my revision but blogging is what I do instead. I just had my supper. Nasi Kandar..Small girl with big appetite and high metabolism rate..I know.. Did some revision for tomorrow's exam and what the hell, I only know partial of what I studied...God, please give me some space in my brain so that I can absorb what I learnt.
Tired, fatigue and etc is is my blood now and I have to tolerate all this for the next 2 or 3 years. Can I?...As on my FB wall post, why can't a millionaire come to me and propose??? Ya, keep dreaming girl *laugh out loud*.... Fingers crossed and pray hard that I will pass my midterm or else I'll have to work my ass off for the final...Why is this so hard??? Other people make it look so easy as peanut...