
4th day of Syawal

I decided to spend my last day here at home with the family. Past few days was fun as I get to meet old friends and some who I have not met since we finished high school. It was good to see them again. Some we did not get to see as they're working and did not manage to come back for Hari Raya. Been sleeping late as we were out for the whole day till wee morning. Tired and feels good. Bad news is I didn't any duit raya. Sad isn't it. But it is OK as I think it is time for giving back to those who needed the most. Visited a friend of mine who met with an 'accident'. It was a sad moment for us but we didn't show that we felt bad for her as we do not want her to feel sad.
All Raya photos will be posted later as I didn't use my digital camera (full memory:-).