random shots

Well, this will be my last post before heading back to Perlis tomorrow morning. Thank God Raya is on Friday or else BFF will have to pick me up from Penang which she said she WILL DO, isn't it Alla?? *smiling big*. Anyway, I managed to finish some of my pending orders. I'll handle the rest after the holiday. It was packed jam on the costal highway. I was on the way to QB from the office, thought I was smart but the 'jam' out smart me...Hahaha.. Managed to buy only green olives in bottle for mummy. See if I can get other stuffs that she wants in Tesco or Cold Storage later. I'm so excited to celebrate Raya this year as I plan to spend time with the family as much as possible.
Last time, at this time, I'l be in Singapore chit chatting with my aunt and sleep really late at night. The next afternoon, Abang Cik will pick us up with his big lorry and bring us beraya in other relatives house. We'll go for 'jalan raya' until the next morning. It was fun especially when it comes to collecting my duit raya. When people ask 'Nana belajar lagi ke?' I'll say ' A'ah belajar lagi'
And there comes my duit raya. But now, forget it, I don't think peope will buy that lie anymore. Hahaha..
I would like to take opportunity to wish all my relatives in Singapore Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir Dan Batin. Nana minta maaf tak dapat balik beraya tahun nie. Halalkan makan dan minum Nana yer'