It has been a while since I last watched movies which is 2 or 3 weeks back, I guess? Anyway, decided to watch The Mechanic starring Jason Statham. The beginning of the movie was slow but it changed to exciting towards the middle. And oh how I love his British accent. Why are British men look and sound sexy. Ask God:-)

Anyway, while I was driving along Sg.Pinang back from work last Friday. I was looking out the car window as I saw a look a like German Shepard wandering beside the road. Looking lifeless and tired. I took a picture of it but having problem of uploading it into my computer. Anyway, while I was looking a it, I thought why people are not bothered about these stray animals? Those animal owners who doesn't want their pets anymore can simply 'dump' their pets around. If pet owners are responsible enough, there won't be any strays around. Animals have feelings just like human. You know what, if I have millions of dollars in my bank account, the first thing I would do is to give some of it to my parents (obviously), and open up an animal shelter (shopping wise also). You can see so many animal cruelty,be it through YouTube or some other channels. Imagine if the same thing happen to their kid? They would definitely go all out to fight for it. So why can't we do the same for animals? They can't speak for themselves...
"Love of animals is a universal impulse, a common ground on which all of us may meet. By loving and understanding animals, perhaps we humans shall come to understand each other."
-- Louis J. Camuti
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