
fast food

When you're staying on your own, cooking at home will be 2nd choice. Not for everyone I meant. McDonald has been my best buddy for the past few days and had apple pie and hot tea for dinner yesterday as I ate like a pig during breakfast and lunch with the boys. I wonder why I had 'big tummy' yesterday. My appetite shoot rocket high. And since I ate quite a lot, I skipped supper (I always have supper on weekend coz I don't have to wake up early the next day).

Anyway, woke up early in the morning (roughly 8am) as I planned to have McD's breakfast the night before. Set my alarm at 6am. And as usually, plan tak jadi. Was supposed to wake even earlier during the weekdays so that I can buy the breakfast set for my colleague as well but having hard time to wake usual...

So with much of confidence, I drove to Greenlane McD as they're having promotion of buy anything more than RM5, you will get 2 free big breakfast. Promotion ends 31st March. More details, visit McDonald website.I thought I was the earliest but I guess, some people are earlier. The drive-in queue line are so long until the main road. Need not to mention the line in the restaurant itself. So I drove off and bought Transfer Road roti canai. With the weather so cold, I made myself a jug of Nescaffee (damn), sat in front of the tv and enjoy my breakfast when some people are still queuing for their breakfast:-) I think by the time, they reach their turn, it would be lunch. Ahahahahahaha...

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