
i cooked gulai kawah...fuyooo!!

For the first time ever, I cooked gulai kawah beef...I took me just about an hour from preparing the ingredients to the finishing good:-)..I planned to cook daging masak cili api but it seems hard and I was hungry, so I thought, gulai kawah is almost similar to curry, so why not I cooked that... Came back from work, defrosted the beef, took the coconut milk out, onions, sugar and salt of course......

You didn't expect that I would know how to cook it, don't you??? Are you kidding?? I don't even know how to cook curry, what's more gulai kawah...So this is my best friend

You guys should try this perencah... All you need to do is add in beef/chicken, coconut milk, a 'lil bit of salt and sugar and you're good to go, your home made gulai kawah..Ini lah hidangan orang bujang kan....I didn't expect that ready made perencah would taste this good...

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