Ever know someone that always complain about EVERYTHING?? You feel like shoving a cockscrew into her big mouth so that she'll shut up?? I do..I don't put it as complain but rather unsatisfied with life..We'll just name her *Jenny okay for privacy issue:-)
Well, Jenny and I met a few months ago and we get along very well I can say. But lately, it feels annoying to be around her. There's always some thing that she'll complain about. Well, one thing I learnt about life is NEVER EVER,EVER,EVER compare yours with others as you don't know the pain that the other person has to go through in order to get what she/he wants in life.. Everybody's got their own sets of story and no one's story is the same..If you start to compare, you'll only create your own best friend called MISERABLE and forever you will regret.
People like Jenny should visit places like China rural area, India, Sri Lanka or any other 3rd world country and when Jenny sees all these, hopefully she knock a sense of grateful and realize that her life is wonderful after all as well as thankful that she doesn't have to go through hardship like these people.
I do complain about certain things in my life sometimes especially after a bad day at work. But I calm myself down and think about all the good things in life I have. I've travelled almost half of the globe so I should know how my life is compare to those. Like I said, everyone has their own sets of stories. That's what differentiate we, humans...Or unique, so they called it...
Life is easy but we, as human created the complication and in the end, we assumed life is complicated...Life don't circle just around you only Ms.Jenny. It is more than that. Look at the bright side of life instead of being in the dark all the time. And believe that there's always sunshine after the rain..Nothing is easy, you've gotta work hard for it...And things don't just come rolling towards you. If everything is easy, then life will be boring...
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