Tommorow's weekend and Tuesday is holiday as well (replacement for a public holiday on Saturday)..No plan(s) as I'm broke... Anyway, planned to make chicken sandwich for dinner out of a 3 day Ayamas that I bought...Haha. Anyway, went for lunch with the Boyfriend. I ate Ayam Goreng McD.. Then we went around QB as it is 2 hours break every Friday. Went to Gurdian to see whether our cleanser (Neutrogena Deep Clean cleanser) has value pack or not...Well, we're facing a serious recession, so everything has to be in value pack except when it comes to shopping!!!! No way I'm gonna give up on that, no matter what... But nothing...Same goes in Watson.

Hhmm..A friend of mine(Ryan) is getting married in this short period of time...At last...OMG.. I feel happy for him.He must be a great bf and a husband-material type and best of all, he's a great friend..We used to laugh and chat as we worked in the same company previously...He and his soon-wife-to-be looked so match made in heaven...I was wondering, when is it gonna be my turn.OK ok I know...I said in the previous post that I'm not thinking about getting married as I have many other s things to do...Well, looking at the pretty wedding gown, 3 tier wedding cake, cute little wedding invitation card, make me, so beautiful...But then again, marriage is not just pretty things.It's about commitment of life between you and your soon-to-be husband/wife. It need patience, tolerance, loyalty, faith and etc...My friends used to tease me 'Ei Yong, I bet that you'll be the first one to walk down the aisle'...Well, she's the one who got married first...Now with 3 kids...
I looked up through Yahoo! on Vera Wang wedding gowns a few times since the past few months. Their collections are so eye catching..but pricey though...I prefer colored wedding gown instead of the conventional plain white gowns. With less beads and decor on the gown without overly sexy...Just enough to show my body shape..For me, simple is the key to sexiness..Just 2 to 3 tone color will do. Compliment with a beach front view or garden view wedding...Perfect match...And honeymoon in Paris(in my dream)..Who know, dream could come through...