Well, weekends gone by so fast and here again 6am, I'll have to wake..Soooo sleepy.Weekend was ok as I spent it by going to the movies with the Boyfriend. We watched Public Enemies and Obsessed. Well, overall, the movies was ok. But Public Enemies(main character: Johny Depp, he's sooo drop dead but I don't fancy him ok) starts a bit slow. Actions in the mid of movie. Its 70s concept movie actually and based on a true event. It plays on how a man escaped from a jail and commit robbery over and over again until he was finally caught. Half way before, he fell in love with a hotel girl. She work as a girl who collect jackets, bag and etc to be store away upon request by customers. She stood by him no matter what happened. It was a bit of drama. For the girls who doesn't fancy 70s, old machine gun, no fast car, its not a movie to watch...Bet ya, you'll sleep even befor the movie starts. I don't mind though.
For Obsessed, its a story about Derek Charles (Idris Elba), who works in an investment company. Married to Sharon (Beyonce Knowles) with one kid. They just moved into their new house as it is nearby to Derek's office. Soon came a temp staff named Lisa(Ali Larter from Heroes series).. replace Derek's assistant as he was out sick. She starts stalking Derek, all the things he's worked so hard for are placed in jeopardy. Its quite a nice movie to watch but the beating part between Sharon and Lisa was a bit short but hell ye, you'll see how powerful was Beyonce's punch...
Well, for the next movie, I'll be waiting for Harry Porter : The Half Blood Prince even though I missed out most of the previous one..Another news is, I just saw pictures of Sentral Collegenew wing open ceremony (previously was my beloved study center,hahahha).
The tutors were great though but the students are kind of 'backward'...