
Photography and Ms.J's nonsense

Well, photography has been a phenomenal event nowadays. you can see these DSLR so-called camera around town...Seems nice...And you can make money out of it by turning into pro-photographer...But it is costly...One camera itself costs thousands...Even my own basic camera, I don't even use it anymore... Now has become a display in my bag...hahaha

I'm trying to find ways to make extra pocket money so that I can continue my studies, buy a house, a car that could bring me from Point A to Point B and petrol economical at the same time.. My best had bought a car for herself...I'm still with my good old bike but lucky I have a boyfriend that would take me from point A to point Z...ahahahahahaha...

Anyway, Ms.J is in office today. Damn it...There's always things that she would ask me to do when she herself, can do it....Lame...Giving excuse of busy...She's kind of annoying most of the time..When I first work with her, it was ok..Soon, it's like, 'You can't do like this' or 'Its not like this'...It is always those 2 words...Everything has to be in line...So annoying...