
Bookworm, work cube

Well, I'm looking at USM's admission, fees and course structure page. I've been thinking of going back to reading notes, exam and study related things..Like I mentioned in my previous post, this job I'm currently doing is no interest to me....I'm not saying that I'm facing a job-burn. Its just that..............................Well, actually, when I finished my degree, I did not expect I'll be doing administration work...It was out of the context of my imagination...I landed in sales as my first job when I was working with Maxis (Penang), last year October and quit on March 2009. I realised customer service cum sales is not my 'thing'. Plus, I could not get along with my boss....Soon, I decided to apply through employment agency (which I will not mention here) and they said they have a vacancy in Intel...I was so excited at that time. Imagining myself working in billions of dollars worth of chipsets...I thought it would be a glamorous job in terms of when people ask me where do I work....But soon, I realised, this job is not getting me any further...Boring and I don't apply what I've learnt in my college years...Its quite frustating... But yet, it is so hard to find job now and then due to the economic downturn since last year's June (approximately)....So I stick around for a little while just to see how it goes...But now, the 'stick around' method is no longer applicable as my heart is raging with boredom.

I've imagined myself having my own table (preferably my own room,hahahahahah), calculating numbers with my calculator. Calculating stocks, bonds and etc. Making tonnes of money. Drive a ....say...Honda within 1 year of my employment, buy a house within 2 to 3 years after that... Daddy always say I have a very high imagination but low in hard work...Hahahaha...Well, it's not wrong to have your own imagination but then again, God will not just dump things you imagine to your lap, you know....

Well, went for lunch with the Boyfriend as I don't know what to eat in cafeteria...Food are lousy. We went to QB foodcourt....Guess who I bumped into...Lionel and Fiza...Its been a long time since I last met them in college...Those times were nice and fun...Careless, free and no worries.....I miss those moments very much...I'm looking forward to attend my ex-college prom night actually...Plan to take lots of pictures that night for memory...College years are the best apart from my Secondary 5...It was memorable...No need details on that...hahaha. Watch movies, shopping, skipped classes, sleeping in the class and so on....But at least I've graduated... It was a hard lesson for me as I used to be a playful kid back in when I was in high school...