
Somethins stinging at your butt as I can feel it so clearly

I'm having a stressful mind blowing time now. Today's post will be in red color and I don't feel at ease now due to someone,seriously, I feel annoyed. So much annoyed which I will not mention her name here. Because she's a human being. Okay, if someone asked you to do a favor for them and if they mistakenly done wrong, will you show them the correct way on how to do it. Of course...But this one particular person, she'll keep calling and instant messaging me on the mistakes and I myself keep on saying sorry for hundreds of times. She will give instructions, and you have to obey them. Like sticking a huge banner. What bloody hell do you think I am, while you, comfortably sitting at your chair, looking at your computer and so-called doing your work, busy as a bee. Like I care. Is your butt that heavy to just, once in a while help me out with these chores. When I'm not around, is it hard for you go floor by floor checking the pantry. or maybe you feel humiliated for doing low-class job?Just because you're graduated from oversea??...Please sister, your qualification is the same as mine. The different is you're doing it in another country. At the end of the day, this multi national company is not yours. You only have a few percentage of stocks in them. Everytime when I wake up in the morning, I'll be thinking... "Damn, will have to see her face at work"...But when ever you're not around, I feel so happy and free. I believe you don't follow the rules 100% as you're human, sister. Not a robot which had been programmed to do certain task and does not have that 'naughty' feeling. I know you feel so 'big' as you've been a resident of this company for many years but that does not mean that you're big enough to tell me what to do. You've got to loose yourself sometimes, you know. Not everything is about rules...It has never been satisfy in your eyes for what ever things I do.It feels sick, you know and lame. You're the worst supervisor anyone can ask for. I called that bloody self-absorb... If I was given a chance, I will not work in this stupid MNC company. Full of racism...Cut throat la sis.